SCOTUS Fall Preview
VICE News Tonight
“The Supreme Court reconvened today with a full bench for the first time since Anthony Kennedy retired in July.
Brett Kavanaugh cemented the court’s conservative majority, as the justices heard oral arguments for a case that asks which felonies count as “violent” when it comes to criminal sentencing.
Other cases on the docket may have an even broader impact.”

“Timbs v Indiana (…) is about something called civil asset forfeiture, a tactic that lets cops seize property they say was involved in a crime – including money, real estate, and cars.”

“Nielsen v. Preap (…) asks if immigrants who’ve served time are exempt from mandatory detention if DHS doesn’t take them into custody immediately after they complete their criminal sentence.”

“Bucklew v. Precythe asks whether the 8th amendment, which bans cruel and unusual punishment, grants death row inmates the right to prove that a certain execution method would be unconstitutionally torturous.”

“In Apple v. Pepper (…) the justices will decide whether the iPhone buyers are even able to sue Apple for this alleged monopoly in the first place.”

Creative Direction: Kenton Powell
Art Direction & Design: Ana Simões
Motion Design: Kris Cave
Painted Illustration: Grace Shin
Client: VICE News Tonight, Episode 427 (October 9, 2018)
Year: 2018